Monday, September 21, 2009

KNOWN SS Parent Discussion Guide- Nov 09

Family Matters
A Study on Family

A Guide for Parents

Note: There is a free KNOWN Parent Podcast available at—just follow the podcast link. You can subscribe to the podcast for free or just listen online.

Use the following information and questions to reinforce the truths of this month of Bible study at home. Use one or two of the discussion starters to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments—at home, in the car, or at a game. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teenager(s).

Session 1
Family Is God’s Idea — Genesis 2:18-24, Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Why did God create the family?
The family is God’s unique environment for nurturing our development.

What’s the purpose of a family anyway?
When did God decide that family was a good idea?
What are the benefits of being a part of a family?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best/very close), how close do you feel to your family?
What could we do as a family that would help us grow closer?
What could we do to help us (and you) grow spiritually within our family?
What role does following God’s will play in your family?

Session 2
Planned For You — Romans 8:28; Genesis 37:1-11; Genesis 45:4-15
Why am I in this family?
God is working out His purposes through your family circumstances.

What do you think is God’s plan for our family?
What do you think is God’s plan for you within our family?
How has God used difficult situations within our family for good?
Is there such a thing as a perfect family? Why or why not?
What are some difficult situations we have faced as a family in the last year?
How have you been able to see God working through those situations?
How have you seen God bring restoration within our family?
What relationship within our family do you feel you need God’s help with right now?

Session 3
Your Responsibility — Ephesians 6:1-4; Exodus 20:12; Genesis 4:1-10
What are my responsibilities to my family?
God calls us to honor and respect family members.

As a teenager, why is it important for you to obey your parents?
What does it mean to honor your parents?
When do you stop obeying your parents?
Is there ever a time in life when you stop honoring your parents?
What do you think the Bible means when it says you will live long if you obey your parents?
Why is it important to show respect to other family members?
What does it mean to you to show respect?
What are some ways you can show respect to family members?
In what ways can we show respect on a daily basis to our family members?

Session 4
Choices Matter — 1 Samuel 2:12,22-25,31-36; 2 Timothy 1:3-9
Do my choices affect my family?
Your decisions have lasting impact.

How could the choices you make affect our family?
What are some choices you have made that had the opposite affect on our family than what you thought they would? What happened?
What are some choices that we make as a family that could have a negative impact on our family?
What are some choices that we make as a family that could that have a positive impact on our family?
What do you think we could do to help us make good choices so that our family is affected in a positive way?
What are some of the choices we have made as a family that have had a positive impact in your life?

From Living with Teenagers
Healthy Families
The strength of the home will not exceed the strength of the primary caregivers in the home. When faith is not rooted firmly and deeply in the home, the enemy is winning the battle to keep us away from God. We must re-establish the home as the primary place where faith is nurtured because God’s idea for passing faith to the next generation is through the family.

As parents, we are role models whether we like it or not and our faith is caught more than it is taught. So how do we strengthen our home in a way that has a positive influence on our children?

This is a preview of the full article available in the November 2009 issue of Living with Teenagers magazine.

Living with Teenagers is a monthly magazine designed to provide relevant information, practical ideas, and biblical encouragement to parents of teenagers. Go to and click on the Living with Teenagers link under "Parenting.”

KNOWN SS Parent Discussion Guide- Oct 09

More Than A Feeling
A Study on Joy

A Guide for Parents

Note: There is a free KNOWN Parent Podcast available at—just follow the podcast link. You can subscribe to the podcast for free or just listen online.

Use the following information and questions to reinforce the truths of this month of Bible study at home. Use one or two of the discussion starters to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments—at home, in the car, or at a game. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teenager(s).

Session 1
Got Joy? — Proverbs 14:13; 1 Peter 1:3-9; Galatians 5:22-23
What is joy?
Real joy is more than just a happy feeling.

What in life brings you happiness?
What in life brings you joy?
How would you describe the difference between joy and happiness?
On what do you think joy is based? Explain.
How is real joy found in Christ?
Why can it only be found in Him?
What did Paul mean when he said that we are given joy as the fruit of the Spirit?
What does (or should) joy look like in our lives as a part of our character as a believer?

Session 2
Joy and Contentment — Philippians 4;10-20
What is the relationship between joy and contentment?
You can be joyful and content when you completely depend on Christ.

What does it mean to be content? Are you content?
In what ways can we experience joy as a result of being content?
Why can’t we be happy and content?
On what kinds of things do many people base being content?
On what do you base being content in your own life?
What circumstances in your life this past week caused you not to be content?
How are joy and contentment found in the power that only Christ can give?
Why is it important to know and realize that real joy and contentment can only be found in God’s provision for our lives and not just from the provision of man?

Session 3
Joy In Tough Times — James 1:2-4
How can I be joyful when times are tough?
Difficulties are opportunities for spiritual growth.

What trials have you recently faced/are facing?
What was your attitude like when you were facing those trials?
Was joy even a possibility for you to consider as you faced them? Why or why not?
Why are trials inevitable in life?
What benefit can trials bring in your life?
Looking back at the last trial you faced, in what ways did you grow as a result of it?
While you were going through the trial, how was God strengthening you?
What encouragement could you share with a friend who is going through a trial today?

Session 4
Take A Look Around — Romans 5:11; Proverbs 17:22; Psalm 118:24
Why should I be joyful?
God has been so good to us.

In what ways has God been good to you this week?
About what can you be joyful in your life?
How joyful are you about the salvation that you have in Christ?
How is being joyful beneficial to your own health? Why?
Since everyday is a new day and opportunity for God to bring opportunities for joy, what have you discovered that is joyful today?
Have you taken the time to share the joy of the Lord with anybody today? This week? If so, in what way? If not, why not?

From Living with Teenagers

Joy in the Journey
None of us are being asked to sacrifice our children as burnt offerings, but Abraham’s story from Genesis 22 may not be as foreign as we think. We entered parenthood on an emotional high, unable to express the awesome realization that life will never be the same and the firm conviction that we’re good with that.

But before we know it, the journey takes a twist. Our heads know it’s coming, but our hearts put it off. We have to let them go. It’s not walking up a mountain, but the pain and confusion can be just as profound. It’s a sacrifice, and the joy that had been a regular companion on this journey seems more like a distant relative.

This is a preview of the full article available in the October 2009 issue of Living with Teenagers magazine.

Living with Teenagers is a monthly magazine designed to provide relevant information, practical ideas, and biblical encouragement to parents of teenagers. Go to and click on the Living with Teenagers link under "Parenting.”

KNOWN SS Parent Discussion Guide- Sept 2009

Do You Know This Man?
A Study on Jesus Christ

A Guide for Parents

Note: There is a free KNOWN Parent Podcast available at—just follow the podcast link. You can subscribe to the podcast for free or just listen online.

Use the following information and questions to reinforce the truths of this month of Bible study at home. Use one or two of the discussion starters to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments—at home, in the car, or at a game. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teenager(s).

Session 1
The Visible God — Colossians 1:15-20
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is God in the flesh.

In what ways do you see God?
How is Jesus the image of the invisible God?
What is your understanding of how Jesus is God?
What role did Jesus play in creation?
What does it mean to you that Jesus is the Creator?
What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord?
How is His role as Lord different from that as Savior?
What does it mean for Jesus to be head of the body of Christ, the church?

Session 2
The Caring God — Mark 2:1-12
What did Jesus do while on earth?
Jesus showed us the heart of God.

Why did Jesus love teaching the people?
What did He teach them?
What has Jesus taught you?
What is Jesus teaching you these days?
Why did the crowds gather each time Jesus taught them?
What was so important about Jesus healing the sick?
Why did Jesus get so much criticism for healing people?
Do you think Jesus was being rebellious against the laws of the day? Why or why not?
In what ways did Jesus challenge the way the people thought?
What are some teachings today that are challenged by Christ’s teachings in the Bible/

Session 3
The Saving God — Matthew 26:36-46; John 10:14-18; Colossians 1:21-22
Why did Jesus have to die?
Jesus died to reconcile us to God.

Based on what you know or have been taught, why did Jesus have to die?
Why was Jesus so obedient in doing His Father’s will?
What was God the Father thinking in this process of sending His own Son to die?
Did Jesus have a choice in the matter? Explain.
Why did He choose to die for us—for you?
Why were we in need of a Savior?
Why couldn’t we just reconcile our relationship with God ourselves?

Session 4
The Living God — 1 Corinthians 15:12-23
What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for me?
Jesus defeated death to give us purpose and hope.

What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you?
What does His resurrection provide to you?
How does it give you purpose?
How does it give you hope?
Why is there no purpose or hope without the resurrection of Jesus?
What does the resurrection of Jesus guarantee us? Why?

From Living with Teenagers

What to Know About Jesus
“I am an historian, I am not a believer,” English author and teacher H.G. Wells once wrote, “but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history.”

Fellow historian Kenneth Scott Latourette agreed with Wells’ assessment: “As the centuries pass, the evidence is accumulating that, measured by his effect on history, Jesus is the most influential life ever lived on this planet.”

Those words can stir the hearts of believers. But the challenge for parents comes in helping teens understand not just the influence of Jesus, but also the power of Jesus. That challenge begins with us because we can’t pass on what we don’t personally embrace. What do we need to know about Jesus? Here are four key truths.

This is a preview of the full article available in the September 2009 issue of Living with Teenagers magazine.

Living with Teenagers is a monthly magazine designed to provide relevant information, practical ideas, and biblical encouragement to parents of teenagers. Go to and click on the Living with Teenagers link under "Parenting.”