It's official! On this day, August 12, 2009, Romans 12 Academy has officially begun! This marks a new day in the life of our family. Julie has been preparing over the past several weeks for this day as we have decided to home school Alex(5th grade), Jonathan(3rd grade), and Caroline(1st grade). We awoke this morning to the smell of breakfast casserole! Alex said the blessing over the food and Jonathan and Caroline helped to set the table. At the table we talked about the irony of Romans 12 Academy and starting on Aug 12th! We didn't plan it that way but God worked it out. God works all things together for those who love him. As we finished breakfast and I left for the church, I prayed a prayer of blessing over the school and the start of a new school year.
As we begin down this road, our goal is to provide the very best Christian education that we can for our children. We believe that the Lord has led us in this direction and that he will see us through to completion. As in Romans 12, we believe that we are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds...that is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives daily. Through this process, we will know what God's will is and we will seek to please him by doing what he calls us to do.
Our children may not understand this right now but as we train them they will! We know that this journey will have it's own set of challenges but that's ok...we are expecting God to work in a powerful way this year! So pray for us as we answer the call of God to lead our family in this direction.
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