Monday, July 6, 2009

Starting a Mentoring Relationship

If you have never began a mentoring relationship, it can be pretty difficult to know how to start and know where to begin. I suggest that you begin by looking at your walk with the Lord first. You will never be able to take anyone any further than you are willing to go. The depth and success of mentoring depends on how deep the mentor is willing to grow. Anyone who desires to mentor must be growing consistently closer to Jesus and not be living a lifestyle inconsistent with the truth found in God's Word.
The first place to start is with prayer. I encourage anyone who is interested in being a mentor to first ask God to show you a name of a person. After you have prayed and God has led you to the person or persons you believe you should mentor, consider arranging a meeting with them to find out if they would be intersted in that kind of relationship. It could take a week or a month but be patience and God will lead you if you are doing his will.
In my experience, those I believe God has led me to, God has already prepared and they willingly accepted. If the relationship is not mutual then start over.
After the relationship is agreed upon, discuss the conditions such as meeting times and duration of mentorship. It could last from 6 months and longer depending on the situation. The relationship will likely change in time so be willing to adjust accordingly.
I like to meet weekly or monthly. The circumstances of the mentee may dictate how often you meet. Again be flexible and willing to adjust schedules.
Recently, I encouraged a person desiring to mentor to begin this way. But I also encourage this person to seek my advice about the names before a meeting is arranged first since I may have knowledge about who is being mentored already.
In this way, I play a role called multiplying mentorships. In a way, I am able to guide and advice the mentors as they mentor. So rather than just having a couple of mentees, I have mentors as my mentees. In this role, I am able to help them as they journey down the path with their mentees.
In my own life, I have a mentor but I also have mentees. A mentor should always have someone in their life that challenges or strengthens them, and someone that they can challenge or strengthen.

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